How we grow the Pyrethrum daisy

Thriving in the rich volcanic soils of Tanzania’s pristine highlands, the pyrethrum daisy is hand sown from early spring each year and tended to by more than 15,000 smallholder farming families.  Our passionate partner farmers attentively care for the pyrethrum plants until they reach maturity, blooming in an expanse of white flowers in the springtime, which is followed by a second smaller flush several months later.  During these peak bloom times the flowers are hand-harvested, collected in grass-weave baskets, then laid out on blankets to dry in the African sun. The dried flowers are then transported to our extraction facility, located in Iringa, where the all-natural insecticide is sustainably extracted using a process that maintains the integrity of the Natural Pyrethrins.

Sustainably grown in Tanzania

High altitude farming

Our main growing regions for this special daisy is Tanzania’s southern and northern highlands of Tanzania where the pyrethrum daisy thrives in the clean and pristine high altitude environment (1,800 to 2,200 MASL) where most food crops have poor yields and low quality due to cool temperatures.

Rich soils

Rich volcanic basalt soils combine with sustainable non-intensive farming practices to ensure the pyrethrum daisy has the nutrients it needs to grow.

Temperate climate

Thanks to the cool-to-mild temperatures of Tanzania’s highlands region, the pyrethrum daisy has the perfect climatic conditions for every stage in its growth cycle.

Sustainable farms

The pyrethrum daisy is hardy and self-sufficient.  It is not a heavy water user and requires minimal inputs.  Pyrethrum is grown in rotation with other crops to support fertile and healthy soil.

The Power of the Flower

The pyrethrum daisy has a meaningful social and economic impact in Tanzania.  More than 15,000 smallholder farmers depend on this special daisy for the stable and reliable income it provides to support their families and communities.  The Pyrethrum daisy provides monthly income for 8 to 10 months of the year (July thru March-April). This reliable monthly income from Pyrethrum provides monthly cash to farmers for important farmer family requirements during the off season from other crops.  This monthly cash income is often used for food, school fees/supplies, doctor visits and medicines.  When farmers have more than one (1) acre they are often able to accumulate savings from Pyrethrum sales for minor and major housing improvements and to acquire vehicles.

MGK’s long-term commitment and continued important investment in Tanzania pyrethrum and further development of numerous high quality Pyrethrum products, ensures Tanzanians will continue to benefit from the Power of the Flower for many years to come.
