Aedes albopictus

Vector/Public Health

Climate change and increasing global mobility spread vector diseases more quickly than ever before, shifting effective mosquito control from addressing a nuisance to providing an important public health service.

Comprehensive Solutions to Help Protect Public Health

The complete range of safe and cost-effective vector control solutions developed by MGK can help agencies limit vector populations and mitigate the spread of vector diseases to protect the health of the populations they serve.


Aedes aegypti front view on fabric

Sumitomo Chemical

MGK is an affiliate of Sumitomo Chemical, a global company firmly committed to supporting the research, development and supply of innovative products to help manage the insects that cause vector diseases.

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Valent Bio Sciences is a global leader in public health vector control market.  They have been working for decades to develop the most comprehensive range of target-specific biorational solutions for public health professionals who protect people around the world against vector-borne disease and nuisance insects.  As global partners, MGK, Sumitomo Chemical and VBC, we can achieve our true potential.

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